Emily Kaufman, 21, whose father, Aaron Kaufman, produced films such as “Sin City: A Dame to Kill for” and “Machete Kills,” has created “A Wall Against Trump” digital filter, a free downloadable extension that filters out all references to the president from social media feeds as well as news sites.
"Trump was everywhere and I needed a break," the young Miami Ad School student said to the entertainment news magazine. "The idea was, 'What if we make him into an internet refugee for a day? How are we going to make a change without taking a break?'”
Kaufman says that it took her about two weeks work and a budget of $50 (for software) to get "A Wall Against Trump" running. She’s looking for people across the world to participate in the virtual protest.
READ FULL ARTICLE HERE: http://www.foxnews.com/tech/2017/02/17/attention-trump-haters-heres-wall-will-want-to-build.html