Water cannons being used in 26 degree weather. This is wrong in every sense. #NoDAPL pic.twitter.com/vEQP4rqGIR— Deplorable Vet 🇺🇸 (@KGBVeteran) November 21, 2016

We watched on the live streams: the fires were started by law enforcement tear gas grenades. Not protectors. Remember this. #NoDAPL pic.twitter.com/rtp81G8Unh— Dr. Adrienne Keene (@NativeApprops) November 21, 2016
THIS IS TERRORISM: Protectors are trapped on bridge as police fire tear gas, water cannon and rubber bullets. #StandingRock #DAPL #NoDAPL pic.twitter.com/GTdszs3Kq9— Eduardo Samaniego (@EduSamani) November 21, 2016